글로벌 비즈니스 디렉토리 및 회사 디렉토리
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회사 디렉토리



회사명 :
기업 이름 :
회사명 제목:  
회사 설명: schafer consulting is a behavioral health and human services business management consultant firm: coa, carf, joint commission accreditation preparation, operations and safety assessments, strategic plans, market research and feasibility, mergers and acquisitions, business development, efficiency, state licensing, medicaid, medicare compliance. established 1993. serving the us and canada. 
검색 하기 키워드: behavioral health corporation,behavioral health consultant, behavioral health management consultant, consultant, consulting firm, consulting group, advisor, professional advisor, behavioral health business management, behavioral health, psychiatric, hospital, mental health, substance abuse treatment, addiction treatment, addiction rehabilitation, addiction rehab, training, staff training, staff education, training and education, operations assessment, compliance, strategic plan, business plan, coa consultant, carf consultant, joint commission consultant, tracers, in-house tracers, quality improvement, jcaho consultant, psych consultant, healthcare accreditation consultant, psychiatric accreditation, coa behavioral health consultant, carf behavioral health consultant, joint commssion behavioral health consultant, behavioral health market research, psychiatric hospital market research firm, selling human service business, safety assessment, psychiatric inpatient incidents, psychiatric risk reduction, sentinel events, critical events, staff injuries, patient injuries, falls, restraints, seclusion, safety consultant, psychiatric safety consultant, children youth market research firm, indian child welfare consultant, indian tribe social services, indian, tribe, native people, inuit, person centered treatment, person centered recovery model, person centered treatment approach, mental health reform, child welfare reform, privatization, behavioral health business intermediary, behavioral health business broker, buy sell psychiatric hospital, buy sell residential treatment, sell behavioral health program, sell residential treatment program, finder behavioral health, behavioral health merger, behavioral health merger consultant, behavioral health merger acquisition, merger plan, merging non profit agencies, merging foster care agencies, merging behavioral health providers, acquire behavioral health facility, acquire psychiatric hospital, acquire specialty health care providers, acquire children youth agency, acquire private academy, behavioral health merger acquistion consultant, sell juvenile detention center, buy juvenile detention facility, buy sell foster care agency, psychiatric hospital consultant, psychiatric hospital operations assessment, psychiatric hospital business consultant, psychiatric product line assessment, behavioral health due diligence, residential treatment consultant, foster care consultant, child welfare consultant, juvenile justice consultant, manage psychiatric unit, hospital turnaround, psychiatric program turnaround, community mental health consultant, mental health reform consultant, human service consultant, social service consultant, addiction program consultant, psychiatric hospital, residential treatment, mental health, addiction rehabilitation, hospital broker, finder, juvenile detention management consultant, child welfare privatization, case management organization consultant, managed care consultant, non profit management consultant, behavioral health investment, opioid treatment consultant, interim management psychiatric inpatient unit, interim manager, psychiatric hospital, interim ceo residential treatment, interim administrator psychiatric program, behavioral health market analysis, due diligence, finance, financial consultant, case rate analysis, foster care consultant, health human service business consultant, health human service management, health human service planning, child welfare reform planning consultant, mrdd business consultant, mental retardation business consultant, management consultant, management agreement, joint venture consultant, human service business consultant, human service management consultant, non profit agency consultant, children youth agency consultant, child welfare consultant, child protective services plan, florida child welfare privatization, dc child welfare privatization, child welfare expert, residential treatment expert, psychiatric residential treatment management, business development consultant, government contracts, child welfare contract, juvenile justice contract, mental health contract, behavioral health contract consultant, national referral development, state child protective services contract, state mental health contract, state juvenile justice contract, state contracting specialist, state child welfare contract development, state juvenile justice contract specialist, human services government contracts firm, human services business development, human services contract consultant  
회사 주소 : 602HemlockRoad,CARNEGIE,PA,USA 
우편 번호 :
우편 번호 :
전화 번호 : 4126950652 (+1-412-695-0652) 
팩스 번호 : 4126950180 (+1-412-695-0180) 
웹사이트 :
schaferconsulting. com 
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비즈니스 디렉토리, 기업 디렉토리
비즈니스 디렉토리, 기업 디렉토리 copyright ©2005-2012 